Safeguarding against a disaster

May 9—Emergency information boards will be on display in the foothills for the next several weeks to provide additional disaster preparedness information to the local residents that have faced many challenges with cellphone and internet service year after year.

"Our goal in Emergency Services is to provide timely emergency information that is accessible to all Yuba County residents," said Emergency Operations Manager Briana Haberman. "These boards are just another tool in our toolbox of emergency preparedness and response. Residents should be aware of the many avenues of official public safety information so there are no gaps — regardless of the emergency."

According to a release by Yuba County, these large, A-frame boards will be placed strategically during an emergency to offer in-person information on evacuations, roadblocks, sheltering, resources, and more.

"They are on display now during Wildfire Awareness Month so residents get used to seeing what they look like," it was stated in the release.

Boards are currently placed at four foothill locations, including both old Eagle Markets in Browns Valley and Loma Rica, Ace Hardware in Oregon House and the 76 Gas Station at Highway 20 and Marysville Road.

"The information boards currently have information on signing up for CodeRED alerts; Zonehaven evacuation mapping; where to go for information on preparing for an emergency; and how to protect your home from wildfires," it was stated in the release.

During an emergency, these boards will be set up at one or more of these locations depending on the emergency and evacuation area, according to the release, and will be updated by Emergency Operations Center staff once or twice per day.

As the region continues to experience elevated fire weather due to the dry vegetation, county officials urge residents to prepare for an emergency now by signing up for CodeRED alerts, which can be done at, and Zonehaven evacuation mapping, which can be completed at They also urge residents to pack a go-bag with essentials and familiarize themselves with the hi-lo sirens the sheriff's office will use to announce evacuations. A checklist with a list of recommended essentials for the go-bag can be found at and recording to the hi-lo sirens can be found at