Pueblo West man organizes Autism MANA CrossFit program for children

Apr. 13—Providing a positive environment where athletes can exercise while simultaneously working on peer relationships, social skills and repetitive behavior is a goal for Autism MANA CrossFit Class.

The nine-week class which began Saturday at Fit Fast Strong CrossFit, was started by native Hawaiian, Kevin Blunt.

Blunt said while living in Hawaii, he and his son participated in a CrossFit program specifically for children on the spectrum which inspired him to begin his own Autism Mana program.

After moving to Pueblo West from Hawaii last February, Blunt had trouble finding programs for his eight-year-old son, Makai.

"Having participated in a similar program in Hawaii, I realized there was nothing here locally that provided a similar outlet for children on the spectrum," Blunt said. "Because after seeing firsthand what a great program it can be for kids to exercise and more importantly do so in an environment that's nonjudgmental — it allows the kids to be themselves without parents or the kids worrying."

Mana, Blunt explained, in Hawaiian culture is strength, spiritual energy, and healing power that can exist in places, objects and persons.

"All children, especially those on the spectrum exude a strong Mana that touches everyone in their lives," Blunt said. "Being from Hawaii, everything is about family. So, wanting to put something like this together — it's really at your own pace but you're part of an environment and a team of people.

"The way I pictured it when I put it all together is we're going to be one big family. I want to make this a space where even parents can network with other parents, we can share resources and ideas, and most importantly we can become an ohana."

Blunt explained that children on the spectrum don't have a lot of opportunity to participate in athletic programs.

"That's the thing about the spectrum," Blunt said. "Every child is a little bit different, but with this they can be a part of it and this can be their gym while giving back to their community."

To fill the need he saw within the community, he began reaching out to different businesses as his first step.

After explaining what Blunt hoped to accomplish, Chris Campos, the owner of Fit Fast Strong CrossFit in Pueblo West, didn't hesitate to jump on board.

"(Campos) agreed to open up his gym and help in any way he could," Blunt said. "So, I knew right off the bat that this is something that could be good, and we could get more people on board."

Blunt then reached out to Nick Ohrdorf of Fast Life Ministries and owner of Rocky Mountain Boat Company, and Aguilar's Family Hairstyling West.

Between a title sponsorship from Fast Life Ministries and Aguilar's support, Blunt said he was able to make 'Autism Strong' shirts for the 14 participants and buy extra cleaning disinfectant to ensure the safety of all participants.

Blunt noted that while masks are encouraged during the CrossFit sessions, they aren't mandatory, but equipment and training spaces will be set up in a social distancing manner for the safety of participants.

The next step of the program that Blunt designed is to not only encourage kids to be active and work on social skills but will also teach them how to give back to the community.

"Some CrossFit gyms throughout the nation will do different fundraisers for a good cause," Blunt said. "I wanted to do something a little bit different. Instead of having athletes from the gym try to raise money, we're going to do something where the kids will be participating, trying to solicit pledges from family and friends."

The pledges, Blunt said, will be for a special event the last day of the program, June 12.

At the event, the kids will try to do all of their workouts in a CrossFit routine, and however many reps they get on a workout will be to earn money that Blunt said will then be donated to The Arc of Pueblo.

"Almost everyone I know who has a child on the autism spectrum has received assistance through The Arc of Pueblo," Blunt said. "They really take care of all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, so I thought that would be a nice way to get the kids involved where they will be able to give back to a place that has even just helped us so much in the year that we've been here."

The fact that the program came together just in time for Autism Awareness Month, Blunt noted, is just a happy coincidence.

"It's about creating some sort of legacy and creating awareness for these kids," Blunt said. "It happened to perfectly fall into place with Autism Awareness Month. It's about creating not only that awareness but creating something where the kids feel like they are a part of something."

The way Blunt pictures it, he said, the nine-week class will hopefully occur twice a year, once in the spring and again in the fall.

Chieftain and Pueblo West View reporter Alexis Smith can be reached by email at asmith@chieftain.com or on Twitter @smith_alexis27.