Protesters try to topple Andrew Jackson statue near White House

A large group of protesters gathered in Lafayette Square across from the White House on Monday night in an attempt to tear down a statue of former President Andrew Jackson, whose legacy has come under fire in recent years in part due to his involvement in the mass killings of Native Americans. However, protesters were unsuccessful in removing the statue and were stopped by members of the Secret Service and U.S. Park Police.

Video Transcript


- Hold your line! Hold your line! Hold your line!


- Get off of him! Yo, leave him alone!

- Get off of him.

- Get off of him!

- Use of force, officer. Use of force, officers.

- What do we want?

- Justice!

- When do we want it?

- Now.

- Move away. Secret Service are on the other side of the fence in riot gear. They're coming.