Powerful Winds Lash Canadian Speedway as Deadly Storm Sweeps Ontario

Powerful winds lashed a speedway in Peterborough, Ontario, as deadly storms swept the Canadian province’s south on Saturday, May 21.

Environment Canada said at least eight people had died in Saturday’s storms, that saw gusts of up to 82 mph and left as many as 350,000 people without power.

Footage by John Nezhadian captured the extreme winds in Peterborough flipping various objects, including traffic cones and a table, through the speedway’s carpark. Credit: John Nezhadian via Storyful

Video Transcript

- Holy [MUTED]!

- What happened, man?


What the [MUTED] is [INAUDIBLE]?

- Yo!

- What the [MUTED] [INAUDIBLE], man? Holy [MUTED]! What'd I say, man?

- Holy [MUTED].

- Did you see that thing?

- Yeah.


- Holy [MUTED]!

- What happened, man?


What the [MUTED] is [INAUDIBLE]?

- Yo!

- What the [MUTED] [INAUDIBLE], man? Holy [MUTED]! What'd I say, man?

- Holy [MUTED].

- Did you see that thing?

- Yeah.


- Holy [MUTED]! What happened, man?


What the [MUTED] is [INAUDIBLE]?

- Yo!

- What the [MUTED] [INAUDIBLE], man? Holy [MUTED]. What'd I say, man?

- Holy [MUTED].

- Did you see that thing?

- Yeah.