Pope High's Jewish students host ceremony in response to antisemitic graffiti

Sep. 24—After swastikas and the words 'Hail Hitler' were found scrawled in a Pope High School bathroom, prompting outcry, Pope's Jewish students responded with a religious ceremony of solidarity.

Students gathered outside the school Friday morning to host a Sukkot, a Jewish holiday celebration. They were joined by the Chabad of Cobb, who provided a mobile Sukkah, a temporary shelter used during the holiday.

"It was very encouraging to see students, teachers and the principal join to show solidarity. I think this sends a clear message that there is no space for antisemitism or any form of bigotry in our schools," said Rabbi Ephraim Silverman of Chabad of Cobb.

"It is important that as a Jewish community we remember that our most powerful response to expressions of Jewish hatred is increased Jewish pride and strength. This is the message that we need our youth to hear that we fight darkness with light," he added.