People Are Sharing Double Standards That They're Rolling Their Eyes At, And TBH It’s An Important Conversation

I recently came across a Reddit thread where u/MajorInstruction2522 asked: "What double standard do you hate the most?" I spent a long time reading through the responses and learning different people's perspectives on double standards in today's society — and it was quite eye-opening.

NBC / Via

I combined responses from the Reddit thread along with ones from the BuzzFeed Community. Here is what some people had to say.

Note: Some answers have been edited for length and clarity. 

1."When the only diaper changing station is in the women's restroom. The floor of the men's room is not the best area to change babies for us dads, who also need to do so."

baby changing table in a bathroom

2."When a woman takes care of her child — she’s parenting. When a man does it, he’s 'babysitting.'"


3."Salary expecations. I hate that whenever I'm in an interview or filling out a job application, there's the question of 'Why do you want this position?' I need money. That's it. Excuse me for not being passionate about a fucking clerical job — I've got bills to pay."


4."It's always assumed that mom is the parent and dad is just there for backup/support."

a baby sleeping on a dad's shoulder

5."Non-smoker here; when I was a server, the smokers would have me cover their tables while they popped out for a quick smoke — about 10–15 minutes. If I had them watch my tables while I went and sat in my car for 15 minutes, they would lose it."


6."Dudes are assertive. Chicks are bossy."



7."Step-parenting. I hate that biological parents are more respectable although they are only taking responsibility for a child they made. Meanwhile, I don’t get nearly as much credit for taking care of a child that I chose to accept as my own."


8."Daycares not allowing sick children to stay and having to be symptom-free for 24 hours without medication before coming back, but expecting teachers/workers to come in no matter how sick they are."

a man comforting a sick child
Mangostar_studio / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

9."Parents telling their kids to do as they say but not as they do. Set the freaking example."

a mom reprimanding her daughter

10."Guys are allowed to be topless in public, but girls aren't."


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11."How little mental issues are talked about. Men are told to man up if they cry, and if women cry, they’re sensitive or on their period."


12."When one partner makes a high income and the other stays home to handle everything else, it is seen as providing a great lifestyle for the 'non-worker' instead of seeing the stay-at-home parent as making the lifestyle possible."

a woman shaking a man's hand at work

13."Women being hit on by someone they like is OK, but if they don’t like him/her — he/she is a creep."


14."I think for me it's the family court not enforcing financial responsibility on non-custodial mothers more. They are very adamant about ensuring non-custodial fathers meet their financial obligations, but mothers get a hand wave, and the problem never gets addressed."


15."Being a male teacher, it truly aggravates me that I can't comfort any students in a kind way because it's inappropriate to give them hugs."

a teacher clapping in front of his students

16."It's obnoxious as a single dad of three kids when schools want to 'talk to the mom.'"


17."People often fawn over a father doing normal basic parenting things like changing diapers or taking a kid to the playground — like, 'OMG what a hands-on father; that's so sweet!' Whereas when a mom does it, no one thinks twice about it."

Bounce / Via


18."I thought about this a lot with the whole 'Alex from Target' thing back in 2014. For those who don't remember, a girl took a photo of a cashier at Target without his knowledge, posted it on Twitter, and millions of adult women shared it because the cashier was attractive. But he was also 16. Imagine if the genders were switched, and an adult male took a picture of a 16-year-old girl, and millions of adult men shared it publicly and called her hot."


Do you agree with any of these double standards? Which double standards annoy you? Tell me in the comments below!