17 Simple Things That People Do That They Wish Everyone Would Do Too

Yesterday, Reddit user u/Slow_Possible6443 asked an interesting question to the AskReddit community: "What is something you do that more people should be able to do?"

  Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.

The thread quickly went viral as thousands of people shared things they thought we should all do. Here are some of the top-voted and best comments:

1."Be kind to people. I worked some shitty jobs in my youth and the people who were actively decent made it bearable. I am actively kind to people in everyday life."



2."Keep quiet."



3."Cook a decent meal without burning the house down. I'm in my mid-twenties and it still surprises me how much people just don't know how to cook."



4."Cleaning up after yourself."

Warner Bros. Television / NBC


5."How to use Google for simple problem solving — i.e. what time does the grocery store open? How to change a lightbulb? Or how do I send an email in Outlook?"



6."Empathize. Blows my mind how little empathy I see anymore. You start to see things so much differently when you can empathize."

Apple Music


7."Be willing to learn. Especially when it comes to technology!"



8."Eat out or go to the movies alone."


9."Have a nonchalant attitude in life. Many people go through life counting their mistakes, letting other people control their lives through emotional or mental abuse (think stressful jobs), comparing themselves to others causing low self-esteem, and thinking they're not worthy, etc."

Tkay Maidza/ giphy.com

"Let all that negative crap wash over you and don't let it take hold of your life. The more you dwell on the negatives the deeper into the abyss that is self-hate and depression you'll fall. Life is too short to always be doubting yourself and everything you do."


10."As a male, crying in front of someone or asking for emotional support. I don't just blubber in front of anyone. In fact it's only my significant other that I do it to. But it does help a bit when going through a rough patch."



11."Control your emotions. I know many people who let their emotions control them. Learning to cope with negative emotions and having healthy outlets and ways to communicate them is really important. The world would be a better place if more people could do this."

Brown Sugar/ giphy.com


12."Try polite conflict resolution instead of just yelling to appease your anger."

Red Table Talk/ giphy.com


13."CPR. There are lots of places to take a class and a lot are free. If you want certification for BLS [basic life support] you usually have to pay, but CPR and learning how to use an AED [automated external defibrillator] (it’s pretty simple) can be free and can save someone’s life."



14."Laugh about yourself. I mean seriously, how sad is your life, when you get pissed every time someone makes a joke about you? Stop taking everything so damn serious!"



15."Separate what I heard from what someone said."

CBS/ The Late Show With Stephen Colbert


16."Take a loss with grace. Losses are just learning opportunities. When people are sore losers it's indicative of much bigger emotional problems, IMHO."

CBC/ Pop TV/ Schitt's Creek


And lastly...


Warner Bros. Television / NBC


You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity