Opinion: Private tennis club behavior at public tennis courts?

Pat Brothwell says most politicians are self-absorbed, but few are as blatant about it as Madison Cawthorn.
Pat Brothwell says most politicians are self-absorbed, but few are as blatant about it as Madison Cawthorn.

I’ve used the Asheville Citizen Times opinion section to write about far-right school board infiltration, Madison Cawthorn’s incompetence and banned books, but I’m finally addressing an important issue: public tennis court etiquette.

Last Monday, a friend and I arrived at the Montford Park tennis courts for our weekly match. The Asheville Tennis Court rules read, “If people are waiting, there will be a 1-hour time limit for singles 1½ hour limit for doubles.” The rules are posted at Weaver Park and Murphy-Oakely Park tennis courts, and though not at the Montford courts, it is the widely-accepted etiquette for most public facilities.

This sign hangs outside the Weaver Park tennis courts, but there is no sign at Montford Park courts.
This sign hangs outside the Weaver Park tennis courts, but there is no sign at Montford Park courts.

When we arrived at the courts, there was a father and son due playing, along with an instructor and his teenage student. We settled in to wait, noting a group of pickleballers “in line” before us.

When the father and son finished their game, the pickelballers got up to claim their court, but one woman, ostensibly the "spokespickelballer," approached us and said, “We have a large group coming to celebrate a birthday and technically have the whole court, but I guess since you guys are waiting, you can have the other court once those two finish.” She was extending us a courtesy. However, according to the sign, you can’t reserve the Montford courts for personal use.

We smiled politely and then complained to each other when she left to join her friends.

The instructor must’ve heard us complaining about entitlement because he decided to let us know that’s what he practiced. “Hey guys,” he said, “Did you know there are other courts at Weaver Park?”

The tennis courts at Montford Park do not need to be reserved in order to use them.
The tennis courts at Montford Park do not need to be reserved in order to use them.

We do but told him we preferred Montford and didn’t mind waiting.

“Well, here’s the problem, guys,” he patronized, “I have another lesson coming after her, and each of my lessons runs 40 minutes.” We pointed out that you get an hour of play. “But I’m teaching lessons,” he said, “and actually, these are my client's children, so I’m doing them a favor.”

That has no bearing on public court rules, we pointed out — an hour for singles is an hour for singles. He then claimed because he only came to town once a week “someone” told him he was allowed two hours. Well, words were exchanged, and despite being right, we left.

“Good for you, I’m on your side,” the "spokespickelballer," yelled to the instructor as we walked away. Birds of an entitled feather flock together.

You know what I’ve done when I’ve wanted to play tennis at a specific time without having to contend with other tennis-court users? Paid to reserve courts at the Asheville Racquet Club. It costs money, but at least then you don’t have to contend with public court peasants like me.

There's protocol in place on utilizing the tennis courts at Montford Park.
There's protocol in place on utilizing the tennis courts at Montford Park.

Sadly, this is far from the first time I’ve dealt with this behavior at Montford Park (and while sure, #notallwhitepeople, it’s worth noting it’s perennially white people of a certain age who treat the public courts like private clubs). I think it’s emblematic of our bigger entitlement problem.

You see it in the folks who don’t leash their dogs in public because “my dog is good.” You see it in the guy sampling five different beers at a brewery while a line forms behind him because he needs a very particular “flavor profile.” You also see it in those who willingly spread a deadly virus because they were too selfish to stay home for 10 days. And don't forget those who berate restaurant hosts who can’t seat them, despite a lack of reservations. I heard an Asheville acquaintance brag about screaming at a taco shop staff when they forbade her from bringing her own alcohol into the restaurant. That’s right. Bragging. You see it in more nefarious ways too, like thinking that imposing your religious beliefs on everyone should be the norm, or perjuring yourself to get a Supreme Court nomination, knowing that once you’re there, you won’t face any consequences for spitting in the face of the rule of law you claim is sacred.

Honestly, the older I get the more I believe that most people aren’t inherently good or bad, just deeply self-serving. You can package it up as “self-care,” “authenticity,” or “speaking your truth,” but I think deep down we all know it’s entitlement, and know deep down that it’s gross and wrong, but if it works, if being the loudest, most ignorant entitled person in the room gets you what you want, why would you stop? No answers or suggestions from me here, just very resigned observations.

Pat Brothwell is a former high school teacher, and current writer and marketing professional living and working in Asheville. 

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Opinion: Private tennis club behavior at public tennis courts?