Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Tryg A/S

In this article:

The Annual General Meeting of Tryg A/S will be held on Friday 26 March 2021 at 15:00 CET as a virtual meeting without the possibility of physical attendance.

The agenda:

  1. The Supervisory Board’s report on the company’s activities in the past financial year

  2. Presentation of the annual report for approval and granting of discharge to the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board

  3. Resolution on the appropriation of profit in accordance with the adopted annual report

  4. Indicative vote on the remuneration report 2020

  5. Approval of the remuneration of the Supervisory Board for 2021

  6. Resolutions proposed by the Supervisory Board

    1. Proposal to renew and extend the existing authority to acquire own shares

    2. Proposal to amend the objects of the company, see Article 2 of the Articles of Association

    3. Proposal to amend Article 11 of the Articles of Association by authorising the Supervisory Board to hold general meetings exclusively through electronic means

    4. Proposal to amend the standard agenda, see Article 16 of the Articles of Association

    5. Proposal that the company should be able to publish company announcements in English only

    6. Approval of remuneration policy

  7. Election of members to the Supervisory Board

  8. Appointment of auditors

  9. Authorisation to the chairman of the meeting

  10. Any other business

For further details, please see attached notice of the AGM.

