Not child’s play: Mayor’s childcare plan is ambitious in the right ways

Some of the public policy issues that this board cares deeply about find themselves downstream of high-quality, accessible childcare. If we want people to return to the office, and we do, then they have to be able to leave their children somewhere where they know the kids will be safe and cared for. Ditto people who want to advance their education or start businesses or run for local office or even see a show or any of the other things that make New York vibrant and dynamic for people of every walk of life.

So too, solid early learning gives youngsters a better shot at success in school and careers.

A robust childcare system should be in relatively easy reach of most New Yorkers, regardless of their zip code, how much time and energy they might have to fill out endless forms or their immigration status.

That’s why we’re encouraged by Mayor Adams’ new blueprint for childcare, which emphasizes both access and a commitment not only to create seats but have them run by well-prepared staff and actually filled by children in need. It will be a significant management challenge, particularly its ambitious goals to streamline the issuance of vouchers, gather all the materials necessary to apply under a single portal, and eliminate childcare deserts including by incentivizing property owners to establish centers in vacant spaces.

We will be watching every step of the execution with interest, but as a roadmap, it is a good one that also lays out immediate and straightforward action like a pledge to invest $10 million in providing subsidized care for undocumented children cut out of state and federal funding. The city is already plowing ahead with an attempt to clear huge voucher waiting lists.

While former Mayor de Blasio had a decidedly rocky tenure, there’s a reason that even his detractors can praise efforts around Universal Pre-K. He and his staff executed well, proving that caring for children while providing them a stronger foundation for further learning and growth is a sound investment.