Late Night hosts takes aim at CNN following the Democratic debate

It was all about debate night on late night Tuesday with a live Daily Show special called Votegasm 2020, Democratic Debate Night Number 2: 2 Fast 2 Furious 2 Many Candidates. Continuing with the Fast & Furious theme, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert called its live episode Democratic Debate Night: 2 Many Candidates 2 Remember: Forget Harder. On the Daily Show, Trevor Noah had plenty to say about the ten candidates, but it was the debate's host network that set the comedian off. Noah mocked CNN's dramatic lead-up selection special The Draw, their fight night style promos and the way they pitted the candidates against each other. "Half of those questions might as well been pick three people on the stage F, Marry, Kill ..Go! Go! It felt like at any moment they were act to go, by the way, Elizabeth, did you notice Klobuchar stole your look?" Noah's most significant complaint with CNN was the limited time candidates had to address complex policy questions around important issues like climate change, immigration, and health care. Following a montage of clips from the debate where CNN moderators cut off the candidates, the comedian had this to say, "You tell them, Jake, stick to the rules of time. CNN doesn't have time for these candidates and all these people debating on how they're going, lower the price of prescription drugs." We gotta make an ad for prescription drugs, and it's coming up next." On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert looked at the moderator interruptions from a historical perspective, while also taking a shot at Democratic candidate Tim Ryan. "Can you imagine these guys monitoring the Lincoln Douglas debates? A house divided against itself-- thank you, Mr. Lincoln. Thank you. I've gotta give some time to a fence post, by which I mean Tim Ryan."