Mom seeks Goodfellows help for family that has been hit by health hardships

Nada is seeking assistance for her family — a family that has been laced with a plethora of health hardships.

“I am a mother of five children, three of my kids have disabilities, and my husband has depression,” described Nada. “And I am the only breadwinner for my family, although my health is not very good.”

Providing on a daily basis is hard enough. The holidays, a time of cheer for many, can be downright dismal in situations such as those Nada and her family are facing.

Goodfellows can help make the holidays better. The Star-Telegram charity has a goal of serving 12,000 children in need in Tarrant County by once again providing a $50 tax-free gift certificate for each child for new trendy clothing from Old Navy Stores.

Despite her challenging circumstances in life, Nada remains thankful for any and all help she receives.

“I thank you for your kind treatment and help. Thank you so much,” she said.

About the Goodfellows Fund

The story on the Goodfellows website describes its beginning as an offshoot of the first newspaper charity drive in the United States, started by the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 10, 1909. A Chicago city attorney wrote a letter challenging his friends to donate the money they would have spent on holiday partying to charity.

A couple years later, the Advertising Club of Fort Worth staged the first local Goodfellows campaign. On the day after Thanksgiving in 1912, Publisher Amon G. Carter brought the tradition to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

To find out more, visit The new post office box for donations and correspondence is P.O. Box 149, Fort Worth, TX. 76101.