Meet Clear Fork's residential prankster

Aug. 7—Clear Fork Assisted Living and Memory Care is proudly home to the "Prank King," Lawrence "Koonie" Koonsman.

Koonie loves to laugh and joke with all of the staff and his fellow residents.

"One time, he had a fake snake on his door," said Activities Director Ashley Silva. "I passed his room and then went into another room, only to find out that he had put the fake snake on the ground outside of that room. I about screamed from stepping on it, thinking it was a real snake. He sat close by and laughed so hard!"

When the community's business manager was sitting at the front desk, he offered her some of his pringle chips. A good afternoon snack, right? Wrong. A big slinky shot out of the container instead.

Another time, executive director Christin Cain came out of her office to the bistro to see Koonie sitting there waiting with a box. He asked her to help him open it, but when she did, a fake spider popped out and she screamed, causing Koonie to laugh.

He especially enjoys pranking Cain, who, earlier this month was pranked by Koonie with the help of staff members. They helped him steal her chair when she left her office. Koonie got all cozy right outside his door until she went all around the building searching for it, and found him smiling ear to ear sitting in it.

Koonie loves to speed in his scooter, which has BMW stickers on it.

"You'll hear our med aids and caregivers tell him daily he's going to gain himself a speeding ticket," said Silva.

Although Koonie loves being the "Prank King," he also enjoys being helpful, taking things to the dumpster to help the staff.

"Koonie is a loving husband, friend and resident here at Clear Fork," said Silva. "We all enjoy his laughs and fun pranks."

Koonie also loves going out with his son, Rick, to eat Mexican food and enjoy a margarita. He always leaves and tells the staff, "I'll be back, and I'll drink one for ya." His family encourages the fun pranks, too — they even bought him a prank box that he has been using well.

It is safe to say that Clear Fork wouldn't be the same without Koonie!

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