Marvel Fan Sets Guinness World Record by Watching ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ 292 Times

You might be a Marvel fan, but are you enough of a fan to watch “Spider-Man: No Way Home” nearly 300 times? That’s what MCU diehard Ramiro Alanis did to set a Guinness world record for the most in-theater viewings of the same film.

Alanis had previously set the record in 2019 by watching “Avengers: Endgame” in theaters 191 times, but had his record broken last year by Arnaud Klein, a superfan of the French fantasy series “Kaamelott” who watched the show’s film adaptation “Kaamelott: The First Chapter” 204 times.

To take back the record, Alanis bought multiple tickets to screenings of “No Way Home” starting on opening night on Dec. 16. To count each viewing towards the record total, Alanis couldn’t participate in any other activity during the screening or even leave for a bathroom break until the credits finished rolling and had to provide a ticket stub and written statement from a theater employee proving he had obeyed the rules.

While spending the last four months pursuing the record, Alanis had to balance his world-record pursuit with his personal life, even as he stayed at the cinema late into the night attending up to five screenings in a single day during the first few weeks of the film’s theatrical run. Even after passing Klein’s record, Alanis kept going to bring his record up to 292 certified viewings to make it even more difficult to top.

While he doesn’t have an official count, Alanis estimates that he spent around $3,400 in movie tickets to set the record. That almost assuredly makes him the single biggest contributor to the $1.89 billion global haul that “No Way Home” has amassed at the box office, standing sixth on the all-time charts and by far the highest grossing film of the pandemic era.

Watch Alanis playfully document his world record in the video below.