Mail Tribune 100, May 18, 1921

May 18—May 18, 1921


Better citizenship should start with the boys and the girls. When today's junior citizens become responsible, a few years hence, for the welfare of their communities, will they realize their responsibilities? Will they have had any actual training in practical community needs and efforts?

The testimony of many school superintendents and teachers is that nothing so arouses and enlists a youngster's civic interest and pride, and his sense of personal responsibility therein, as a well-organized Clean-Up and Keep-It-Up campaign that gives them definite work and visible results in the improvement of conditions and appearances about the school and the home and in his block and neighborhood.

Therefore the children deserve more than slight and trivial recognition and responsibility in this campaign, which teaches them — and many of their elders! — the primary lessons in making and keeping homes, yards, gardens and neighborhoods clean and sanitary and attractive, and in bringing to the children living and "growing" conditions that enable the schools to deliver to the community a worthwhile human product.

Without the outspoken approval and the active cooperation of the school officials the children cannot be given the important place in the campaign that they deserve. Almost everywhere, however, these officials agree with John D. Shoop, superintendent of schools in Chicago, who said: "The maintenance of a clean city is a problem of education. The Clean-Up and Paint-Up campaign deserves the earnest cooperation of everyone."

This is the first week of the campaign and the superintendent, principals and teachers of the schools should put into actual practice the methods.


After this splendid rain people should begin at once to "Clean-Up" and "Paint-Up" to put the city in first class condition.

Tourists and others who visit a clean city always say a lot of nice things about it, but a dirty city invites unfavorable comments and keeps strangers away. Many communities have shown a more rapid growth in population after a clean up than they ever hoped to enjoy.

The best way to boost your community is to clean up, paint up, dress up, furnish up, and keep it up.

It starts repairs and building activity; giving employment to all classes of craftsmen — carpenters, masons, painters, plumbers, tinners, roofers, glaziers, electricians, plasterers, gardeners and laborers. It creates a lively demand upon local dealers for everything needed in making homes clean and attractive and safe from fire, disease, and the weather. It stimulates the desire and pride of home ownership, and helps the real-estate men. It stabilizes, restores and increases the value of real estate, and helps the bankers and the borrowers.


Following the .43 of an inch of rain that fell in Medford during Sunday and up to 8 a.m. Monday, .12 of an inch more fell from that time until 8 o'clock this morning. However, the rainfall at the Southern Oregon Experiment station near Talent was much heavier during the last storm. During Sunday night and Monday .20 of an inch fell there, and during Monday night and on Tuesday .95 of an inch. This brings the total rainfall in the experiment station neighborhood from Sept. 1st up to the present time to 20.26 inches, which is practically the amount that fell a year ago during the same period.

— Alissa Corman;