Mail Tribune 100, April 20, 1921

May 7—April 20, 1921


There was some booze enforcing excitement in the city last night, caused by the sheriff locating an idle still in the brush along Bear creek, south of the city, and the arrival of a man with two quarts of whiskey in a suitcase on the late train from the north. These incidents were not connected, only that they related to the violations of the prohibition law.

As a net result of the excitement, the stranger with the two quarts of booze got away, no one knows who owns the still, and Bill Sham, the taxi driver who hauled the booze laden stranger to a place in the residence district was arrested later by Patrolman Hempstreet on the charge of intoxication, for which he was fined $25 and costs in Judge Taylor's court this forenoon.

Sheriff Terrill, Deputy Sheriff McMahon and Night Patrolmen Adams and Hempstreet took part in the excitement which started by someone tipping the sheriff off to the fact the still was lying in the brush along Bear creek. The sheriff and his deputy forthwith went there and pounced upon the still which was a fine and complete one with coils, laying quietly in a grain sack. Then the arms of the law lay concealed in the vicinity for an hour or more waiting for the owner to come and get it, until they finally decided that he had been tipped off that they were watching for him. They then hurried back to town just in time to join in the other booze excitement.

The conductor of the south bound train tipped off the police when the train arrived that a man had two quarts of booze in his suitcase. This man had jumped into Sham's taxi, which drove quickly away. The police waited until Sham returned, and then started at once for the house where Sham said he had delivered the passenger. He was not at this house nor could he be found in the vicinity, and it is thought that when he saw the police at the depot he suspicioned that they were laying for him, and had Sham drive to a house, in front of which he got out, and then when Sham drove away, cached his whiskey somewhere, walked away and disappeared.

Sham was arrested later, and it is claimed he became intoxicated thru the stranger treating him when they were driving to the latter's supposed home.


In connection with the Oregon Products Week — April 24-30 — the local committee are inviting Medford manufacturers to display their products in the show windows of the Chamber of Commerce. Instead of having the week known as Oregon Products Week it will be termed as Medford and Oregon Products Week.

Every Medford manufacturer should avail himself of the opportunity of showing his wares at this central exhibit. It should include canned goods, furniture, flour, brooms, candies, photographs, art goods, ladders, fish screens, in fact everything that is manufactured in Medford. Products of the manufacturers of Jackson County located outside of Medford should also be displayed.

Space is now being reserved and the first to signify their intention to display their wares will have the choice of location.

— Alissa Corman;