'Long Weekend' exclusive sneak peek: 'My grandma has a cell phone'

Bart tells his friends about Vienna's many charms.

Video Transcript

- Babe, we have a question for you. Is it weird that the girl Bart met--

- Bart met a girl?

- I did.

- Oh, my god, that is so awesome.

- But is it weird that she doesn't have a phone?

- Like, doesn't have a cellular phone?

- Right.

- Is she like a fake hipster who plays the ukulele and wears a trash bag around like a dress? Because I'm too tired for that.

- No, she's not like that. She's a really normal cool, girl--

- OK, good.

- --who just happens to not have a phone.

- OK, it's still very weird.

- It's rubbing me. It's rubbing me.

- It's just rubbing me wrong. Everyone I know has a cell phone. My grandma has a cell phone. She's deaf.