How log burners are dividing Britain’s middle-class neighbourhoods

wood burner
wood burner

The once humble log burner has surged in popularity over the past 12 months as people look for cheaper ways to heat their homes amid the soaring cost of energy bills.

But this new staple of middle-class life is dividing neighbourhoods.

Studies have suggested that wood smoke is now more of a problem than car fumes in some wealthy areas, such as south-west London.

On cold nights this winter the air in upmarket streets of neat Victorian terraces across Britain has been thick with the aroma of burning fuel. While some take joy in an old-fashioned homely smell, others have taken to local chat rooms to chide “selfish” homeowners who are using stoves disingenuously under the guise of saving money.

Demand for burners has shot through the roof, with sales up by 67pc in the last three months of 2022 compared to the previous year, according to figures from the Stoves Industry Alliance.

An estimated 1.5m homes have one, with SIA members fitting 200,000 in 2022 – although the majority of these were replacements, it says.

Nic Snell, managing director of Certainly Wood, Britain’s biggest supplier of kiln-dried logs, says: “This time last year, we were carrying good stock levels, now we have a three to four week lead time on orders and our sales have increased by about 30pc.”

However, they remain a distinctly middle-class purchase, with around four in 10 bought by those who own their property outright, according to government-commissioned research.

They have also attracted the ire of environmentalists due to their growing contribution to carbon emissions with the Government announcing last week that owners who exceed new, stricter limits on pollution face £300 fines.

Are log burners cheap to run?

Log burners, if you already have one installed, are cheaper to run than other heating sources, costing 71pc less per kilowatt hour than electric heating, 21pc less than a heat pump and 12pc less than mains gas, according to the SIA.

Analysis by Gemserve, a consultancy firm, found that using a wood burner and turning down the central heating for a three-hour period five days a week could save households an average of £132 a year.

It is important to remember, however, that while a log burner may create some residual heat throughout the house, they are mainly useful for heating individual rooms.

There are also installation costs to factor in. The SIA says that for a good quality model from a reputable brand you should expect to pay between £1,000 and £1,500 – with the same again for installation.

The cost of wood is also increasing. Certainly Wood says its prices have increased by 8pc in the past six months, driven by rises in the price of raw materials of up to 30pc and a strangling of supply from Russia and Belarus.

Mr Snell says: “These [prices] are likely to drop back as the summer approaches, but it is likely there will be further increases for next season.”

Then you need to factor in the potential fines. Last week the Government unveiled plans to limit the amount of smoke new stoves can emit per hour from 5g to 3g in most built-up areas in England. Those who break the rules face £300 fines or even criminal records.

Why are they controversial?

Despite being installed in just over 5pc of homes, home heating with solid fuels like wood is now estimated to be one of Britain’s main sources of emissions of fine particulate matter pollution, also known as PM2.5.

This is similar to emissions from cars and has been found to have adverse impact on health.

Research carried out by Imperial College London suggests that log burners in homes are creating new “pollution hotspots” away from main roads in residential streets.

In London, they have been effectively banned in new-builds and refurbished properties by the introduction of new planning guidance that limits emissions.

Jess Ralston, an analyst at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, says: "Indoor air pollution is increasingly recognised as damaging to our health, which means higher costs to the NHS and lower productivity.

“The Royal College of Physicians found respiratory problems among children may be exacerbated by indoor air pollution.”

However, the industry has defended its record.

Mr Snell says: “There are particulate matter issues, but they are miniscule in reality compared to any other source of pollution and there is a huge amount of misinformation hovering around the internet. All too often old statistics are being re-quoted and are way out of date.”

A spokesman for the SIA says: “A modern wood burning stove that complies with the Ecodesign regulation and used in the correct way emits up to 90pc less PM2.5 than an open fire and up to 80pc less than some very basic older stoves.”

Can you reduce the environmental impact?

If you are set on buying one, you can reduce the environmental impact somewhat by ensuring that your chosen model is designed in line with the regulations suggested by the SIA.

You should also make sure that any wood you plan to use in your stove has the “Ready to Burn” label on it – this confirms it has a moisture content of less than 20pc and meets sulphur and smoke limits.

Store your wood in a dry area and avoid burning anything that has been treated or painted, as this could make your emissions worse.

Are there any alternatives?

Another source of heating that is becoming increasingly accessible is a heat pump. This is electrically powered and moves heat from the air or ground outside into your house.

Ms Ralston says: “Unlike gas boilers or wood burners, heat pumps don’t produce air pollution and with prices now starting from £2,000 more homes are likely to see indoor air quality benefits from ditching combustion heating.”

However, heat pump critics have pointed out that in many cases the full installation costs will be far higher, if radiators have to be replaced, for instance.
