Local author releasing book to coincide with Juneteenth

Jun. 13—Walter Curry, an Aiken author, is coming out with a new book, "The Awakening: The Seawright-Ellison Family Saga, Vol. 1, A Narrative History."

The book will be available for purchase Saturday, coinciding with the Juneteenth holiday. There will be a special promotion this month, making the price of the book $25.

This book is the first of two volumes of narratives about the descendants of two families who share a common ancestor, Martha Kitchings Seawright Ellison. Curry said the book also includes an appendix section of pictures, primary sources, historical essays, and other sources of documentation relating to his ancestor and the other descendants.

Curry is a direct descendant of Dave Seawright and Martha Kitchings Seawright Ellison. The book includes stories of Curry's relatives who were connected to Aiken County history and the city of Aiken.

Curry is the founder of Renaissance Publications, LLC. He also won the 2019 African American Historical and Genealogical Society Book Award for his book "The Thompson Family: Untold Stories from the Past (1830-1960)."

He is also an active member in the Aiken community, the Friends of the Aiken County Museum and the Aiken-Barnwell Genealogical Society.

The book will be available to order on www.renaissancepubllc.com and Amazon.