LifeShack is Raising $5.7M to Redefine the Future of Flexible Work

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 6, 2022 / LifeShack, a rising remote work job site, recently announced that they are raising $5.7M to accelerate growth on their job search platform. In doing so, they will continue to transform remote work job search and recruitment, making it possible for employers to hire the best global talent and for professionals to find their dream job.

LifeShack, Wednesday, October 5, 2022, Press release picture
LifeShack, Wednesday, October 5, 2022, Press release picture

With 31% of the workforce already working in remote or hybrid schedules, and with a projected 36.2M remote workers in the United States by 2025, there is a growing need for flexible work options around the country. Forward-focused companies and organizations are offering remote and hybrid options in increasing numbers, finding ways to tap into the global workforce and connect with the best talent from around the world. They also realize that by offering flexible work options, they can provide their employees with a healthier work-life balance, leading to greater employee engagement and retention.

While more professionals than ever before are turning to remote and hybrid work options, most job sites limit searches to only remote or in-person work. While these options will be valuable to particular segments of the workforce, they don't offer the true flexibility that companies and professionals desire.

LifeShack was founded by Patrick Da Costa Guimairais and Lauren Wallett, two leaders in the world of flexible work. Guimarais is a software architect with deep experience in the startup space. He has been a part of three exits, working as a lead engineer developing compelling technology solutions.

Lauren is a serial entrepreneur and international business development consultant. She's scaled and sold companies, run marketing strategies for global conglomerates like Kraft Africa, and is a TechStars pitch coach, helping founders secure millions of dollars in funding.

They have been featured in Hustle, GitHub, and Morning Brew, and they have already partnered with some of the country's leading companies, including LaserAway.

LifeShack, Wednesday, October 5, 2022, Press release picture
LifeShack, Wednesday, October 5, 2022, Press release picture

About LifeShack

LifeShack articulates the full spectrum of the flexible work experience. This can include remote, remote-optional, hybrid, and time zone flexible work. By providing greater search options to job seekers, they make it possible for talented individuals to work at their dream company, no matter where they are living in the world.

They use a simple three-tiered pricing model for corporations, offering weekly subscriptions that enable companies to post to the LifeShack job board, boost jobs across the website and LifeShack community reaching thousands of potential candidates, and other premium features such as creating video job posts and working with a dedicated recruitment partner.

LifeShack is positioned to be more than a simple job search board - they are an essential remote recruitment platform to connect the best professionals to the best organizations in the country.

With interest already from several VCs, LifeShack will soon be opening their funding round. By raising $5.7M, they will continue to build out their platform to provide the best job search experience for companies and individuals, offering more features and options to reflect a growing and changing job market.

Contact Information:
Company: LifeShack
City, State: Los Angeles, California

SOURCE: LifeShack

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