Letters to the editor: Ukraine, homelessness and Eugene's urban growth boundary

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A disservice to public servants

Trash piled next to the dumpster. Human waste and abandoned vehicles polluting adjacent wetlands. A speedboat on its trailer blocking access. Self-appointed “guards” chasing away passersby. Crime and threats to campers and nearby businesses rising. The illegal “RV park” on Ed Cone Boulevard had to be cleared.

This was not a self-regulated settlement by people desperate for a place to stay. Despite the city-provided Port-a-Potties and dumpsters, the environment had deteriorated into a social and physical slum.

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Yes, we must do better as a community. Everyone deserves a safe place to roost and the chance to become a good neighbor. When we tell people they can’t park on private property, we should have public places to send them.

But The R-G portrayal of the removal of RV campers from Ed Cone Boulevard did a disservice to the public servants tasked with cleaning up a mess that did not have to be made. We must stop assuming that poverty and homelessness excuse criminal behavior that affects public health and safety. We must stop blaming the people we pay to enforce laws for doing their jobs. And we must start reporting such stories fairly, with the details that show the whole picture.

Mary Leighton, Eugene

The test of policy is how war ends

The story by Oleksander Stashevsky on the Ukraine war impels me to prop up moral reality. The editorial is all about confrontation and civilian massacres. But do we and NATO know where this is going?

Since returning from active duty in WW2, I have watched eight wars (Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria) begin with much enthusiasm and public support, none of which we knew how to end, three of which we withdrew from unilaterally. The test of policy is how it ends, not how it begins.

Far too often, the Ukrainian issue is posed as a showdown, whether Ukraine is to survive or thrive it must not be either side's outpost against each other. Instead, Ukraine should function as a bridge between them. Russia must accept trying to force Ukraine into satellite status, and thereby move Russia's borders again, would doom Moscow. That would only repeat its history of self-fulfilling cycles of reciprocal pressures with Europe and the U.S.

The West must understand that.

Bill Sarnoff, Eugene

But he didn’t mean it

President Biden’s offhand remark regarding Putin not remaining in power was heartfelt and human, if ill-advised. Marc Thiessen’s suggested response for President Biden’s staff was far better than what was actually said and, for once, I agree with Mr. Thiessen (R-G, April 10).

However, to excoriate the president for being empathetic to the horror unfolding in Ukraine is a strong overreaction. He stated the president’s staff had to walk back what the president had said.

Did Thiessen have the same response every time Trump’s spokespeople had to walk back his words? I long ago lost track of how many times they said, “Oh, he was just kidding” or many other variations of “He didn’t mean it.”

Just a few examples: He was just jesting when he asked Russia for Hillary Clinton’s missing email; he didn’t really mean we should ingest or inject disinfectant; he was only joking when he told officials to slow down coronavirus testing; he was just kidding when he said Obama was the founder of ISIS; he was just making a joke when he suggested Democrats who didn’t applaud him were guilty of treason.

I could go on. You get the picture. Does Marc Thiessen?

Trudi Diffendaffer, Creswell

Cheers to hospice volunteers

Let’s take National Volunteer Appreciate Week to remember the dedicated people who care for our families and neighbors during their end-of-life journeys. Hospice volunteers are essential for making our patients and families feel the comfort of support as they live their last days. They show up with hearts wide open to be with you. They are there to help with errands, companionship, tasks or bereavement care.

The hospice benefit provides care and comfort to people in their homes, care facilities or Pete Moore Hospice House. People who receive hospice care live longer than folks who do not receive hospice care. The hospice team consists of the medical director, nurses, aides, social workers, chaplains, bereavement counselors, office staff and trained volunteers who care for you and your family/friends during your final journey. I am grateful for having been a part of the team at Cascade Health as a nurse, massage therapist and volunteer for the past three decades.

Cheers to my kindred spirits!

Maggy Rose, Eugene

For research only?

I couldn’t agree more with George Hermach (Letters, April 10), who questions the real outcome of the Elliott State Forest as a “research forest” by the passage of SB 1546. This forest harbors some of the last remaining Oregon old growth and should be locked up for protection and wildlife enhancement in perpetuity, not allow so-called “research” purposes including timber harvesting. Revenue will be used to “manage” the forest?

This is reminiscent of the Convention for International Trade of Endangered Species mandate to ban all whaling with the exception of “research” harvesting, which Japan takes full advantage of. Mary Peabody, Eugene

Time to look at the urban growth boundary

The new efforts to regulate landlords seems to be just another attempt for government to deal with an issue it is at least partially responsible for. How? Instead of a new layer of regulations on landlords, if there were more rental properties open for renters, landlords would be more inclined to behave properly with potential tenants.

Tenants would have more of an upper hand with more rentals available. When there is a shortage of rental units, landlords can take advantage of renters and rents will increase when supply is constrained.

Related:Landlords, tenants weigh in on Eugene's proposed renter protection policies

Why is there not a greater surplus of rental properties? The root cause of this is the lack of inexpensive land for development. Oregon’s long-standing land-use regulations that created the urban growth boundaries decades ago are the reason we do not have more housing at more reasonable prices. Some regulations have, over time, developed unintended consequences. This is one. With continued population growth in the state, it’s time to take a new look at the UGB rule and open the doors to more affordable housing.

John F. Quilter, Eugene

Thoughts on myriad problems

Regarding the myriad problems of today, I offer the following thoughts.

To the restless relocators: Take heed of your role in escalating home prices in popular, growing locales.

To businesses up and down the supply chain: Take stock of whether you need to raise prices before doing so because "everybody else is."

To landlords and home sellers: Consider setting a reasonable price instead of asking top dollar, especially when prices are rising fast.

To motorists: Try alternative modes of transportation such as walking, biking or riding the bus or train; consolidate trips into as few as possible, practice staying close to home for leisure and vacations.

To those of an ideological bent: Be humble and listen to others. There is wisdom and knowledge in unexpected places.

To those who focus on their personal rights: Try looking instead at our societal obligations.

To today's youth: Heed the above lest ye exacerbate today's multitudinous problems; examine what you can do about climate change, social injustice and financial inequities in lieu of expecting others to pave the way.

To all: Practice self-restraint, thoughtfulness, sacrifice and compassion. To stay the current human course will only court needless suffering and disaster.

Tom Happy, Eugene

Letters should be 200 words or fewer and sent with the writer’s name, address, and daytime phone number via e-mail to rgletters@registerguard.com. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and maybe published in any medium. We regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

This article originally appeared on Register-Guard: Letters: Ukraine, homelessness, and Eugene's urban growth boundary