Letters to the editor for Thursday, Dec. 9: What the GOP is against and Hunsaker speed limits

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Decency, or lack thereof, will be remembered

Over the centuries there have been many threats to society. Bubonic plague, leprosy, AIDS all come to mind. Before modern medicine and cures, fearful communities treated the victims of these diseases by shunning, ostracizing and imprisonment.

Today, we look back and view these actions with embarrassment. We are now faced with a new challenge in the COVID-19 virus. For me, the vaccine, the booster and wearing a mask are a simple solution. However, I am not young, Black, female or have a different viewpoint. Many people are addressing this pandemic with a multitude of different challenges. Eventually this virus will pass but the way we treat our fellow man will be remembered for many generations.

Robert Maroney, Coos Bay

To peacefully get home

Emily Funk’s attitude about driving on Hunsaker Lane described in her letter (Letters, Dec. 2) is selfish and disappointing. She may not know that a few years ago a woman was killed by a car on Hunsaker. She may not know that parents who live on Hunsaker don’t allow their children to walk or be near the road because of motor vehicles driving fast.

She should, however, recognize that there are many homes with small front yards on that narrow road, and that 35 mph or more is unsafe for local residents. Funk is putting her personal frustration above the safety of families in our neighborhood. Ironically, she claims she wants to get home “peacefully.” If she were more empathetic about the lives of those us who live on and near her shortcut she would slow down and drive at 25 mph.

Then she might start to experience a more peaceful world!

Joel Narva, Eugene

The GOP is against ...

Remember what the Republican Party opposes:

It is against a woman’s right to choose regarding her reproductive health care. The Texas ban on abortions after six weeks is an example. The Republican Party is against free and fair elections. The Jan. 6 insurrection and Republicans refusing to acknowledge Joe Biden as the president are examples. The Republican Party is against citizens’ right to vote. This year 19 Republican-led states have passed 33 laws to suppress citizens’ right to vote. The Republican Party is against workers’ rights to organize into unions ensuring that they are paid less for their work.

The Republican Party is against public health by opposing mask and vaccination requirements. This has led to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. The Republican Party is against the future of our children and grandchildren by denying human-caused climate change and opposing actions that would reduce greenhouse gases.

The Republican Party is against common sense gun laws, which has enabled mass shootings and the deaths of so many in domestic disputes. The Republican Party is against protections for LBGTQ people even as they are targeted for discrimination and are murdered because of who they are.


Thomas Dodd, Eugene

Letters should be 200 words or fewer and sent with the writer’s name, address, and daytime phone number via e-mail to rgletters@registerguard.com. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and maybe published in any medium. We regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

This article originally appeared on Register-Guard: Letters: What the GOP is against and Hunsaker speed limits