Letters to the editor: Politicians assume the worst of their constituents

Marineland comprehensive plan changes a product of previous administration

With regards to the article written by Frank Fernandez in the St. Augustine Record (published May 12): Mr. Fernandez attended the April 21 Marineland Town Commission Meeting during which the comprehensive plan was thoroughly discussed with the public.

The article overlooked a key fact, creating a false impression about the Town Commission’s responsibility about the origin of the changes proposed for the comprehensive plan. Many of those proposed changes were controversial and appeared to signal a retreat from sound planning for this unique and environmentally sensitive area. None of the present Town Commissioners were the authors or officials authorizing those changes.

As a Town Commissioner, I was most disturbed how all of this came about. At the beginning of the hearing, the lack of authorization for the changes was made abundantly clear. The origins came from the direction of a prior mayor who recently resigned from the commission. To unearth the changes and weigh their potential effect on the town’s future, the current Town Commission directed the planner to make the draft document completely transparent for the commission and the public.

But for this veering from proper governance from the former mayor, the Town Commission would not have had to spend hours reviewing the changes and opening all of them up for public comment. That certainly contributed to the hearing’s length and the confusion and frustration experienced by all. Speaking as one commissioner, I believe the Town Commission will continue to be transparent in its governance of Marineland’s future.

Gary Inks, Town of Marineland Commissioner

Politicians assume the worst of their constituents

Back in the mid-80s, while I was teaching educational leadership at the University of South Carolina, I had the opportunity to participate in a program sponsored by the Danforth Foundation that brought together high school principals from five urban school districts in the eastern half of the country to exchange ideas related to effectively leading high schools.

The Richland County School District 1 in Columbia, South Carolina, was one of five districts selected. I must admit, we South Carolina folks were both excited and a bit nervous at the prospect of sponsoring a program that would be seen as on par with the other participating districts. I mean, what could we in South Carolina share that would generate more than a lazy yawn from our visitors from some of the largest and wealthiest public school districts in the country? New York City was the first school district to host, while we were scheduled to host next to last. As it turned out, the trip to New York put our minds at ease and we couldn't wait to extend a little "southern hospitality" when our turn came.

That first night in New York City, two Columbia principals and I were invited to go out to dinner with several of our New York hosts. As we were leaving the hotel, one of them said he needed a little cash and wanted to show us something. The New York fellow walked us to an automatic bank teller on the street where he inserted a card and withdrew cash. As he removed the bills from the machine, he looked at us and said, "Well, what do you think of that?"

Frankly, we didn't know what we thought! Suddenly, it dawned on us. The New York fellow assumed we didn't have automatic bank tellers in South Carolina. A Columbia principal's mouth dropped open and his eyebrows shot up. "Look at that, Gary," he said to a fellow principal. "That fellow stuck a card in that machine and it gave him money." Gary turned to the New Yorker and in complete innocence said, "Hey, that was amazing! Can you get me some, too?" Our sophisticated host then patiently explained to his dimwitted southern visitors how automatic bank tellers work.

The reason I share this with you is that I see so many of our political leaders at both the state and national levels today explaining to the rest of us dimwits how automatic bank tellers work. They assume none of us has the ability or desire to explore complex issues and make informed decisions for ourselves. Frankly, that's no way to run a democracy. We can't depend on others, especially political leaders, to tell us how we should think if we are to have any hope our way of life will not just survive, but flourish in the undeniably difficult days ahead.

By the way, when the program participants came to Columbia, one of our principals who had two of Gov. Richard Riley's sons at her school, arranged for us all to have dinner one evening at the governor's mansion. Over dinner, Gov. Riley explained his plans to get his proposed "Education Improvement Act," that many regard as the most impactful piece of educational legislation ever enacted in South Carolina, through the legislature and into place throughout the state. When the evening ended, each state delegation wanted to have a picture made with Gov. Riley — most participants had never even see their governors in person! When the New York group assembled before the camera, I whispered to Gov. Riley, "Watch your wallet, Governor, these guys are New Yorkers!"

Leonard O. Pellicer, a St. Augustine resident, is distinguished professor emeritus, University of South Carolina

Overturning Roe vs. Wade in effect condones rape, incest

Consider this. If a man has sex with his daughter, that is incest. If a man forcibly has sex with an unwilling female , that is rape.

If the Supreme Court rules against Roe vs. Wade, as it is expected to do, and declares all abortions illegal, then the victims of rape or incest will be compelled to carry their fetus to term. That would, in effect, condone the acts of rape or incest. I don't think that is acceptable. Do you?

If you agree that condoning rape or incest is unacceptable, please write your congressional representatives and the Supreme Court to, at least, exclude such abortion prohibitions from their ruling overturning Roe vs Wade.

Stanley Weintraub, St. Augustine

This article originally appeared on St. Augustine Record: Letters to the editor: Politicians assume the worst of their constituents