What Are The Biggest Red Flags For Women In The Dating World?

Is there any word in the English language that inspires dread as much as "dating"? Sure, it can be a blast — but there are so many assholes and creeps out there killing the mood.

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And that goes doubly so for women. Regardless of who we're into, most ladies have a looooong list of dating and relationship deal breakers, and we want to know what you look out for!

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Red flags are everywhere!

Your deal breakers can relate to personal safety — which is something most women have to be extra vigilant about — or just silly little preferences, like how you won't date anyone whose pet has a human name.

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From petty pet peeves to safety-conscious red flags, we want to know your biggest dating and relationship deal breakers that you encounter as a woman.

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So share any and every one of your dating deal breakers below! Drop your knowledge in the comments (or submit anonymously through this form) for a chance to have your comments featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!