Do You Have A Photo Of A Back-To-School Outfit That You Once Thought Was SOOOO Cool But Now Makes You Cringe Laugh?

It's about that time of year...summer break is almost over, and the kids are headed back to school! That, of course, means they'll be aiming to look their BEST on the first day of school.


But those first day looks don't always age well. Sometimes, looking back, you realize the first day of school outfit you believed was so chic is actually hilariously embarrassing.

Jameela Jamil with text reading, "You looking at your back to school photo in 2022:"

So, we want to see your first day of school know, the ones that now make you LOL, cringe, or both. For example, maybe one year you decided to show up in a purple Rugrats sweatsuit complete with a MATCHING HAT!

A little girl in a purple jumpsuit

Or, maybe you look back now and think, Bike shorts under a pink polka dot skirt? Bold choice, young me, bold choice.

A girl wearing a polka dot skirt with bike shorts underneath

You might now marvel at how ridiculously of the period your first day outfit I'm sure ALL of these one-time 1990s teens do.

A class photo

Or, maybe your outfit was OK, but there was an accessory — like this Barbie backpack as big as this kid — that now makes you laugh just looking at it.

A large Barbie backpack

Whatever your back-to-school outfit was, we want to see it! Share your hilarious first day of school outfit photo — and your thinking behind it — and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!