Knappa School District backs $14 million bond

May 18—The Knappa School District will ask voters in November to approve a $14 million bond to fund major capital improvements.

The average bond tax rate is estimated at $2.20 per $1,000 of assessed value. The bond would mature in 25 years.

The measure is intended to finance capital costs in the school district, including improvements to infrastructure at the middle school.

The money levied would create new classrooms and a science center at the middle school to replace portable classrooms. The school district plans to create a "learning hub" that would contain library resources, technology and group learning spaces for middle school students.

The school district also plans to use bond money to construct a gym at Hilda Lahti, as well as improve safety and security for students and staff and address repair and maintenance issues with the district's roofs, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, electrical systems, plumbing and weather sealing.

Improved access to mental health services is also listed.

The school board had considered several options for the bond, including a $12 million version. Surveys showed community support for the lower option over the $14 million bond proposal, according to information presented at a board meeting in April.

But the committee tasked with developing the bond proposal later recommended the school district pursue the $14 million bond with a 25-year term.

The committee felt the community would support the bond and it would give the school district "the best options for students' health and safety," Superintendent Bill Fritz told the board at a work session in May.

The school board approved the bond resolution at a meeting Monday night.

Over the past few years, voters have approved bond financing for improvements at schools in Astoria, Warrenton and Seaside.