Kid's struggle meal is deeply unsettling, yet relatable

If you’ve ever been pressed to create a meal out of the mismatched food items left in your pantry, you understand the gist of a “struggle meal”. Maybe you haven’t had time to go to the grocery store, or maybe you’re just lazy, but the struggle meal can be a beautiful thing. Take it from TikTok user aleekipipe, who shared a video as she confronted her brother over his unusual snack. In the video, she asks him what he’s eating. “Well, crackers and ketchup, because it just looked good and I was doing this since before the virus,” he said with a smile on his face. “So you’re eating cookies and ketchup?” the TikToker asked before saying “OK” and quickly walking away. Commenters found the brief interaction to be extremely relatable — and a bit repulsive. “He’s onto something, we just aren’t on his wavelength,” one user wrote