Kelly Alexander, candidate for NC House District 107

Name: Kelly Miller Alexander

Political party: Democrat

Age as of Nov. 8, 2022: 74

Campaign website:

Occupation: Funeral director

Education: AB, political science; MPA

Have you run for elected office before? Yes.

Please list highlights of your civic involvement: NAACP, Planning Commission; Airport Advisory.

What are the three issues that you see as most important to your district and what will you do to address them?

Fully fund the public schools, to close the learning gap between Black and white students; expand Medicaid, I will vote for any reasonable plan that does this; small business support to expand and create jobs, I will continue to support state aid for this; affordable housing, I will continue to vote for state funding.

At a time when costs are rising, state government has a surplus. How should it be used?

Grants to small business; fully funding the public schools for teacher pay, support personnel, etc. & solar panels on state buildings and electric cars & trucks.

Will you vote for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina?


What has the legislature gotten right, and what has it gotten wrong, about public education in North Carolina?

It has increased funding, but nowhere near enough to bring teacher pay up to the national average.

Should North Carolina change its abortion laws? How?

The current state law banning abortion after 20 weeks should remain.

Please add anything else voters should know about your position on the legality or availability of abortion in North Carolina.

Constitution should be amended to enshrine a woman’s right to choose.

Should medical marijuana be legalized in North Carolina?


What, if anything, should the legislature do to shape curriculum dealing with topics of race, sexuality and gender?

On race, read the 1619 project book, don’t assume to know what it says; the other areas should be left to the LEA’s to develop curriculum.

Do you accept the results of the 2020 presidential election?
