Keep yourself and your kiddos safe this summer: May is Skin Cancer Awareness month

The days are warming up and the sun is out more, which means one thing to this fair-skinned woman: sun protection. It should mean something to you as well since May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month.

My skin is practically see-through and growing up I would burn repeatedly every year, even with sunscreen. I thought it was just a part of life. But my mother has always bronzed easily without burning, and it was the ‘90s, so maybe we just didn’t know better. But we do now.

As a fair-skinned person and the mother of a see-through redhead, skin care is always at the top of my list. We keep SPF 70 or higher on hand at all times and we reapply often. Hats and cover-ups are a necessity, even for my more olive-toned children. Even darker skin tones can burn and get skin cancers.

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the country, and also the most preventable. Skin protection is your first line of defense – the aforementioned sunscreen and hats or long sleeves. These are not just for the beach, but any time you or your family might be outside for more than a few minutes.

Also knowing your skin, checking for new freckles, moles, or other spots is essential. As someone with incredibly sensitive skin, I visit the dermatologist regularly. If you notice anything different or questionable, getting that checked out even by your regular practitioner is important.

While skin cancer is generally treatable, prevention is always preferable! Keep yourself and your kiddos safe this summer.

Allison Wells is a wife, mother of four, and an award-winning author. She's Team Oxford Comma and her motto is "Life is short, eat the Oreos." Find her online at

Editor’s note: According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is estimated that one out of every five Americans will develop skin cancer. Skin cancer rates are higher in women than in men before age 50. And it can affect anyone, regardless of skin color, but it is often diagnosed in later stages in patients with skin of color. Learn more at

This article originally appeared on Greenville News: Mom to Mom:May is Skin Cancer Awareness month