Hit the pause button on the most controversial part of Charlotte’s 2040 plan

The 2040 plan

Hit the pause button on Rule 2.1 in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.

Proponents of Rule 2.1, which would allow duplexes and triplexes on single-family lots, are turning a blind eye to the potential downsides of this proposed change: degradation of existing neighborhoods, more widespread and accelerated gentrification, displacement, and deepening inequality across our city because the rule’s negative effects would disproportionately impact vulnerable neighborhoods.

City Council should set aside Rule 2.1 when it votes on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan on June 21 and take the time to better assess what the provision’s impact would be.

Heather Ferguson, Charlotte

Heather Ferguson
Heather Ferguson

Jobless benefits

Where are the manufacturing jobs? I read everywhere that the job market is booming and about the need to cut the federal unemployment benefits, but as I look all I see are jobs offering $15 per hour with no benefits or IT jobs.

Where are the jobs for the people ages 40 to 50 who’ve worked in manufacturing all of their lives? Not there.

People like this made a good living earning close to $20 an hour and benefits. Now, the powers that be want to cut the unemployment benefits these folks are receiving.

They deserve better than that . How would you like to be forced to take a 25% pay cut?

Steve Bell, Fort Mill

Mail-in ballots

It seems some folks are perfectly capable of requesting an absentee ballot, but not making sure to return it by Election Day.

The current rule allows arrival up to three days after Election Day.

Under the new rule proposed by N.C. Republicans, a mail-in ballot will not be counted if it arrives after Election Day (with a few exceptions).

There is no excuse for a mail-in ballot not to arrive on time. This in no way limits voting rights. It does however make you personally responsible for filling it out and mailing it back a few days before Election Day.

Stephen Rubin, Charlotte

Today’s journalism

Regarding “The future of journalism is in question. UNC shows why,” (June 14 Opinion):

The nature of journalism is changing, but it has to do more with the audience than the content providers.

As unfortunate as it is, journalism is no longer a service but a product and products must sell. So to give today’s news consumer what they want, an article must tell the reader what to believe. Rather than consider the various sources of information, today’s audience chooses a source and adopts their stance.

So , yes , journalism has changed. For some of us it has changed for the worse, but for a great many, it is exactly what they want and apparently need.

Willy Evans, Charlotte

Joe Manchin

Sen. Joe Manchin recently defended his position to oppose the voting rights bill arguing that he has GOP colleagues who will vote for “what they know is right, the facts as they see them” without “worrying about the political consequences.”

Manchin insists that federal action “must be bipartisan” to have his support — as he overlooks the GOP’s partisan dangerous actions. The problem with his bipartisan dream is that GOP lawmakers are not voting for anything put forth by Joe Biden.

Manchin’s concern is for the minority in the U.S. Senate. What about the minority in America? If our democracy is eviscerated, history will most likely be unkind to the senator’s bipartisan dream.

Priscilla D. Johnson, Charlotte

Extreme speeders

North Carolina speeders with a “second nature” to drive fast don’t care about other people.

If someone is ticketed twice for 20 mph over the limit you can be by sure they speed regularly. Solution: They should face immediate consequences. The second ticket must result in vehicle impoundment for three months. Plus, require them to attend class twice a week for extreme speeders.

There is bus service for them.

Steve Craig, Charlotte