Here's what Meghan Markle's zodiac sign have in store for her according to an astrologer

Some of the world’s biggest stars are Leos: Madonna, President Obama, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, and Jennifer Lawrence just to name a few. One of the most recognizable Leos these days is none other than the duchess herself, Meghan Markle. Markle’s ascent from TV to tiaras is the perfect path for a sign that loves to be in the spotlight. “This is literally soul food for a Leo,” says astrologer Chris Love. “Leos are all about pride. She seems to have major pride in her new role as a royal,” he added. “Meghan Markle is a perfect example of the warmth Leos bring to the world,” says Love. “They entertain us, they bring us joy, and they really teach us how to be proud,” he adds. So if there’s one takeaway we can get from the dutchess: be yourself, and greatness will soon follow.