Tell Us Common Things Parents Say That Are Actually Toxic

Many people have grown up with certain sayings from their parents that are supposed to be "helpful" — but as they got older, they realized what was said was actually incorrect and/or problematic.

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So, we want to know: What are some "helpful" things parents tell their kids that are actually toxic?

  Westend61 / Getty Images
Westend61 / Getty Images

Maybe you were often told not to cry because it's "weak" — when it's really a healthy expression of emotions for every human being.

  Getty Images
Getty Images

Perhaps mental health wasn't taken seriously in your household, and seeking therapy was discouraged and said to be unnecessary.

  Jeffbergen / Getty Images
Jeffbergen / Getty Images

Maybe your parent would often comment on your weight and appearance — and you feel it has really impacted your body image and self-esteem over the years.

  Recep-bg / Getty Images
Recep-bg / Getty Images

Or perhaps your parent would often compare you to your siblings to motivate you, but you found it to be very unfair and hurtful.

  Ronnie Kaufman / Getty Images
Ronnie Kaufman / Getty Images

In the comments below, tell us "helpful" things parents tell their kids that are actually toxic — and explain why you think it's toxic. Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, share your answer using this Google form. Your response may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.