Grant County Health District issues heat advisory

Jun. 23—The Grant County Health District on Tuesday issued a heat advisory due to the high temperatures in the region.

The district urged people to take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Extreme heat causes the highest number of annual deaths among all weather-related hazards, the district stated.

Safety tips include: staying indoors and in an air-conditioned environment as much as possible, drinking plenty of fluids — avoiding beverages that contain alcohol, caffeine or a lot of sugar; eating more frequently, but making sure meals are balanced and light; never leaving any person or pet in a parked vehicle; avoiding dressing babies in heavy clothing or wrapping them in warm blankets; covering windows that receive morning or afternoon sun (awnings or louvers can reduce the heat entering a house by as much as 80%); and making sure pets have plenty of water.

Early warning signs of heat-related illness include decreased energy, slight loss of appetite, light-headedness and nausea. To alleviate symptoms, seek a cool environment, drink fluids, rest and remove excess clothing. Serious signs include unconsciousness, throbbing headache, rapid heartbeat, dry skin, chest pain, confusion, vomiting, irritability, diarrhea, muscle cramps, difficulty breathing and/or staggering. People with these symptoms should get immediate medical attention. In the meantime, help the sufferer to a cool area, spray with water, remove excess clothing and fan them.

People at heightened risk for heat illness include those ages 65 and older, those with chronic medical conditions, young children and those who work or exercise in high heat.

"It's important to visit older friends, relatives and neighbors to make sure fans or air conditioners are working and living spaces are ventilated," the release stated. "People who do not have air conditioning are advised to seek relief from the heat by visiting friends or relatives that have air conditioning."