Flight attendant shares 'crash pad' with 20 other people

a glimpse into the life of a flight attendant might leave you more thankful. Dominic Jay is a flight attendant based out of San Francisco. Because Jay’s job requires him to fly all over the world, paying San Francisco rent for an apartment he’s barely in doesn’t seem financially smart. That’s why many flight attendants have “crash pads” in different cities that they share with their coworkers. In Jay’s case, he shares an apartment with 20 other flight attendants. If you’re picturing a house or multi-leveled apartment, stop right there. According to Jay’s TikTok tour, it looks like it’s a simple two-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment. The living room houses a large L-shaped couch and stacks of cubbies which are assigned to each person living in the apartment. Jay stores his bedding in his. Jay says that each attendant pays $250 a month for the apartment. “We’re never all here at the same time, the most I’ve experienced is about five people”. “I’ve always wondered about this,” one person commented