Five things you missed in the seventh episode of the Minnesotan 'Bachelorette' (still in Minnesota)

Dec. 1—Here are five things you missed from the seventh episode of the 18th season of "The Bachelorette," which aired Tuesday night on ABC. The show features fan favorite and St. Louis Park native Michelle Young, an elementary school teacher in Bloomington.

1. The episode opens with Young walking by the Stone Arch Bridge and revealing that, due to the pandemic, she was not going to visit the hometowns of her four remaining suitors (who are all Black, a first for the show). Instead, the families are coming to Minnesota. "I have four relationships I'm truly invested in," she says.

2. First up is Brandon, who is joined by his mother, Carmen; his father, David; and his brother, Noah. Brandon takes Young to an indoor skateboard park, where he keeps falling off his board. "Clearly, (he) has to get some rust off," Young says. That evening, she meets the family for some awkward small talk. Noah pulls her away for some one-on-one time and expresses his skepticism over the fact Young is dating four men at the same time. She tells him she could see herself with Brandon "100 percent." Young then wins over the folks, bonding with David about fishing and telling Carmen she could see Brandon become a best friend.

3. Rodney and his parents, Carrie and Tyree, are up next. Rodney starts by taking Young apple picking, specifically the First Kiss variety, which was developed by the University of Minnesota. Then Rodney blindfolds Young, feeds her an apple dipped in butterscotch and then gives her a smooch. After that, Young meets the parents, who Rodney calls Moms and Pops. "We've been through a lot in this journey," Rodney tells Moms, who pulls Young aside for a private chat. Young tells Moms "I don't laugh with anyone else" as hard as she does with Rodney. Moms seems to like Young, but tells Rodney "It does scare me that you would be brokenhearted at the end of this."

4. Oh, wait, the episode does have an actual hometown visit as Joe Coleman is a local. We meet his parents, Julie and David, and his brother Dan and sister-in-law Hanna. Back in episode five, Young took Coleman to her old high school in Woodbury and he returns the favor by inviting her to Hopkins High School. They make out at what Coleman says was "his spot," outside of the library he said he rarely visited. Then they attend a mock prom together in a sparsely decorated empty gym. As for the parents, David says his son and Young "look like a lovely couple" and reminds him to express himself to her. Hanna asks Coleman if he loves Young and he says he's falling for her and is ready to propose.

5. After spending the afternoon paddleboating, Nayte introduces Young to his parents, Leanna and Charles. Leanna, a former teacher, gives Young a bag of candy for her students, which is a nice touch. Nayte then tells his mom this is all very weird because he's never talked about his feelings and relationships with her. Leanna says she's worried that Nayte might not feel the same way about Young once they're outside the bubble of the show. The episode ends with Young sending poor Rodney to the Bachelorette dumpster.