First human West Nile case this season reported in Boulder County

Aug. 19—Boulder County's first human West Nile virus case this season was reported Friday.

A Longmont man, who is over over 65, was confirmed to have the virus, according to a news release from Boulder County Public Health. He was tested and diagnosed after reporting stiffness and pain in his joints, fever, chills, abdominal pain and body aches, according to the county.

The first West Nile case in Colorado was reported in July in Delta County, according to health officials. At that time, the West Nile virus also had been found in mosquitoes in Boulder County.

West Nile virus is transmitted to humans from the bite of an infected mosquito, the release said. While most infections are mild, the more serious infections can cause brain inflammation; or meningitis; which is inflammation of the brain's lining; loss of vision; paralysis; coma; tremors; convulsions; and death.

People over 50 or who have a weakened immune system are at greater risk of developing a serious illness. There is no treatment, cure or vaccination for the virus. Health care providers can only treat the symptoms to help patients feel better and possibly recover more quickly.

"This is the time of year when we see the most people become ill from West Nile Virus infections," Sandra Sonoda, communicable disease nurse at Boulder County Public Health, wrote in the release. "We all need to continue to be diligent about protecting ourselves from mosquito bites particularly between dusk and dawn."

Symptoms of West Nile virus include fever, extreme fatigue, headache and body aches and can also include skin rashes and swollen lymph nodes. Symptoms generally appear three to 14 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito.

Boulder County Public Health officials urge residents to follow precautions such as:

* Use insect repellent containing at least 10% DEET,

* Dress in light colors and loose fitting long sleeves and pants,

* Avoid the outdoors from dusk until dawn, and

* Drain standing water outside your home.

For more information about West Nile Virus and mosquito activity in Boulder County, visit