Finance committee recommends funding for lift station

Apr. 28—The Glynn County Finance Committee voted unanimously Tuesday to recommend the funding of a new lift station near the public safety complex in Brunswick.

The existing lift station is undersized, and it has created some issues at the public safety complex. The new lift station will also serve the new Glynn County Animal Control complex that will open this summer.

The committee voted to recommend funding not to exceed the more than $498,000 it is estimated to build the new station.

Dave Austin, the county's public works director, told commissioners that the existing lift station could probably handle the extra capacity once the animal control complex is built, but there will be a need for for even more capacity in the future.

In other business, the finance committee members will recommend county commissioners approve the acceptance of grants for the county library system. One is for $6,545 from the Georgia Public Library Service and the other, a collective impact grant for 25,000, will help fund a literacy parental involvement program for the Marshes of Glynn Libraries system.

Committee members also unanimously approved recommending the purchase of 10 electronic citation system units at the cost of $36,756. The county police department already has 15 of the units, which enable officers to use the hand-held device to collect data about the driver, vehicle and offense during traffic stops.

The devices improve accuracy of information, reduce paper and save staff time.

The committee also approved an expenditure of $10,000 to support Special Olympics programs in the Golden Isles and paying annual dues to the Coastal Regional Commission.

A motion to amend the finance committee's monthly meeting was unanimously approved. The finance committee meetings will begin at 3 p.m. for the remainder of the year.