Video: Learn from home electrification experts

Canary thanks Sense for its support of the Home of the Future series.

On February 8, 2023, Canary Media hosted an online conversation moderated by Jeff St. John with three experts who are helping Americans from all walks of life shift their homes to clean energy and make those homes more comfortable and healthy:

The conversation was part of our special series, Home of the Future: How to electrify your life.

Homes in the future will need to be highly efficient, powered by electricity rather than fossil fuels. To get there, we need to rapidly replace fossil-fueled home heating and appliances with efficient electric equipment — and we need to make sure everyone can access this equipment, not just the wealthy.

This large-scale home-electrification challenge is complicated and multifaceted. Solving it will require lots of workforce training, business-model innovation, new financing structures and public investments, incentives, mandates and standards. There’s no one-technology-fits-all solution that will work across the board. And there’s good-faith debate over how best to move ahead. Join our conversation to learn more about this important shift that will literally touch all of our lives.

Consumers need better tools to make their homes more efficient and to foster electrification. Sense technology is built on a simple, proven premise: Customers need real-time information to engage. With the first-of-its-kind Sense app, consumers can see exactly where and how to save energy in their homes. Sense works for utilities, for consumers and for the grid. Leading meter manufacturers are partnering with Sense to create consumer-ready smart meters that take home-energy management to the next level. Learn more.