Edge Alerter Is the Betting Service Disrupting the Industry. Here's How Australians Are Taking Back Power and Making Money in the Process

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA / ACCESSWIRE / July 29, 2021 / Betting has been a favoured pastime for countless Australians since there were things to bet on, and with the advent of online betting services over 4 million Australians are now betting on sport or racing. Whilst betting is very popular in Australia, on average, Australians are the biggest losing gamblers in the world, with an average loss per person of over $1,000 per year and only 0.5% of bettors are profitable long term. With the rise of online tipping platforms and the third party services that follow them claiming to give punters an edge, it's been found that these platforms are often affiliated with the betting agencies, serving to misinform the 500,000 Australian bettors that use these services and make money off their failed wagers, and many of them claiming to be Australia's best tipping service.

Joonas Karppinen, a professional derivatives trader and former senior trader at the world's largest online betting platform Bet365 became privy to these shady deals and aware of the insidious edge that bookmakers from other online betting agencies have over vulnerable people. - He then emerged with his own independently operated service,Edge Alerter, aimed at disrupting the power dynamic the betting industry holds over its users and giving bettors the edge over the bookmakers. Edge Alerter exists to outsmart the system and help people create a viable side income for themselves, while also educating them to be more informed investors.

With a cumulative 10 years experience as a professional derivatives trader, and as a senior trader at Bet365, Joonas has found the opportunities to outsmart bookmakers by developing a system that quantitatively analyzes and identifies edges within the offers that these bookies use to attract customers, and has created a proven successful track record with it, netting an market-leading 31% profit on turnover, the best of any Australian tipping service..

The Edge Alerter system also provides all the educational tools that any prospective investor could use to elevate their skills as a bettor and investor. They offer training on the game theory used in the betting industry and leverage the wisdom and insider knowledge Joonas has acquired over the years to help people become more informed and more successful investors in an industry that takes advantage of undisciplined bettors. 'It gives me little hope for the credibility of the industry when ver 500,000 Australians seeking assistance with their betting are unknowingly being ripped off by services that either have no edge, or are actually affiliated with the bookmakers. The betting affiliate tipsters are specifically scandalous, as they're typically on a 30% revenue share with the bookmakers on future losses of customers they refer, so are literally incentivised to tip losing bets. Over 250k Australians follow such services ' explained Joonas.

With a fast growing and over 300 loyal and successful members, Joonas has built Edge Alerter with the mindset of a Hedge Fund Manager, being transparent and open with their community and continuously optimizing the system to see the best possible results for its users. My background is in the traditional markets, having worked at Australia's leading hedge fund and at world class quantitative trading firms, and in that industry transparent and statistically significant track record of performance is first and foremost, and second to that is reputation.

In addition to helping hundreds of Australians to create a side income, Joonas has said that the most rewarding part of running Edge Alerter is its educational component, giving its members the confidence to approach betting more like a professional trader; using numerical and statistical tools to inform betting decisions, being aware of cognitive biases, and capable of defining their own edges.

'We have a near 50/50 split in our community,' noted Joonas, 'Half of the members are keen on pure profitable tips, and the other half not only want the profitable tips, but also to learn about the principles behind them, and how many of these techniques can translate to other areas like the traditional investment world too.'

If you want to be part of a community raising the bar in the tipping industry with betting and trading education, boasting one of the few proven successful returns on turnover, connect with Joonas Karppinen and the team at Edge Alerter through their website or be a part of a one week free trial.

See how their system allows the remaining 99.5% of Australian bettors to beat the system, and become one of the hundreds of Australians earning a comfortable side income.


Name: Joonas Karppinen
Business Name: Edge Alerter
Address: Sydney, Australia
Email: joonas@edgealerter.com
Website: https://www.edgealerter.com/

SOURCE: Edge Alerter

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