EDASC's online Economic Forecast Night to explore income inequality

Mar. 1—The Economic Development Alliance of Skagit County (EDASC) will host its Economic Forecast Night online on March 11 with a focus on income inequality.

EDASC's annual Economic Forecast Night highlights economic and business trends throughout the region. The event was moved online this year due to COVID-19.

Attendance is free.

The hourlong event will feature a video presentation by Chip Hunter, dean of the Washington State University's Carson College of Business. Hunter will discuss the college's recently released business outlook report, what to expect in 2021, and then move to the topic of income inequality.

EDASC CEO John Sternlicht said the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened both income and health inequalities. He said communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, are overrepresented in jobs that must be done in person, and are more likely to live in housing with fewer square feet per person.

"The term alone, income inequality, leaves a lot of people cold, so I think we need to explore why it's important to all of us," Sternlicht said. "A healthy economy depends on a healthy middle class, because the middle class spends money that circulates in the economy at stores and restaurants."

There will be a prerecorded question-and-answer session with Hunter on economic outlook and income inequality.

Sternlicht will kick off the event with an update from EDASC on business activity in Skagit County.

The video of the Economic Forecast Night will be released on EDASC's website, skagit.org, at 5 p.m. March 11 and will be available to watch any time.

— Reporter Jacqueline Allison: jallison@skagitpublishing.com, 360-416-2145, Twitter: @Jacqueline_SVH