Economic chiefs looking to expand regional growth

Nov. 30—NORWALK — Huron County commissioners heard comments Tuesday morning about creating a Certified Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) with Erie County.

Alex McCoy, executive director of the Huron County Development Council, and Sarah Ross, executive director of the Norwalk Economic Development Corporation, talked about joining forces to help expand economic development.

What is a CEDS?

"The CEDS is a locally-based, regionally-driven planning process and document that creates the space for a region to identify its strengths and weaknesses and bring together diverse partners to lay a foundation that could create jobs, diversity the local economy and spur growth," according to Tuesday's presentation.

The program would create a regional partnership with Erie County.

That would help because:

—Nearby communities often share similar risks/hazards;

—Disaster impacts cross-jurisdictional boundaries;

—Communities are interdependent on one another;

—Economies are regional in nature;

—Communities can accomplish more when they work together.

McCoy and Ross are asking the commissioners to send a letter to Ms. Susan Brehm, regional director, U.S. Economic Development Administration, supporting the CEDS.

In part, the letter reads:

"The purpose behind this partnership is to create a regional strategy which will guide economic decisions and investments and lay our our short-term planning objectives and longer-term goals. The formation of the Erie and Huron County Economic Development Region has the potential to unlock numerous funding opportunities for both counties and our partnering jurisdictions."

Commissioners did not sign the letter, but instead asked for time for further investigation on the program. All three commissioners questioned if they want to work with the Erie County Commissioners, who recently sued them over trash and where Huron County was sending its trash.

Brady pointed out that cost the county $1 million in legal fees — even though it won in court.

Commissioners asked to take the words "Erie County Commissioners" out of the first line of the letter so it reads "The Huron County Commissioners are collaborating with multiple community and economic development organizations within our respective jurisdictions in an effort to createa Certified Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) to cover our two-county area."

Commissioners said they will discuss and possibly vote on the matter at Thursday's meeting.