Early voting begins Thursday. Here's what to know in Frederick County.

Jul. 6—Primary Election Day is July 19, but Frederick County residents can head to the polls as early as Thursday, the start of an early-voting period.

Most races on the ballot are for registered Democrats or Republicans. However, all registered voters — including those who unaffiliated — can choose Frederick County Board of Education candidates. School board elections in Maryland are nonpartisan.

The state races on the ballot are for governor, attorney general, comptroller and members of the House of Delegates and state Senate.

There are federal races for U.S. Senate and 6th District in Congress.

The Frederick County races are for executive, County Council, sheriff, state's attorney, register of wills, clerk of the circuit court, judge of the orphans' court, and circuit court judge, in addition to school board.

Information about candidates is available at The Frederick News-Post's voters guide.

There also are races for Republican and Democratic central committees.

Early voting runs from July 7 through 14 and is available from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. daily at the following locations in Frederick County:

—Trinity Recreation Center, 6040 New Design Road

—Urbana Regional Library, 9020 Amelung St.

—Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Road

—Middletown Primary School, 403 Franklin St.

Any registered voter can vote at any of the early voting centers.

Voters can request a free ride to the Trinity Recreation Center for early voting any day except Sunday. Residents must request a ride at least an hour in advance by calling 301-600-2065 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday requests must be made before 5 p.m. on Friday.

A list of available pickup and drop-off times is available at frederickcountymd.gov/6810/Early-Voting.

Sample ballots are also available on the county website.

Voters have until July 12 to request a mail-in ballot be delivered by mail and until July 15 to request a mail-in ballot be delivered electronically.

Mail-in ballots need to be placed in a drop box or postmarked by July 19. A list of drop box locations is available at frederickcountymd.gov/8233/Ballot-Drop-Boxes.

Drop boxes are under 24-hour surveillance.

If you plan to vote on Election Day, check your assigned polling place at voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/PollingPlaceSearch.

Early voting sites and polling places tend to be busier first thing in the morning and in the later afternoon, according to the county website. It advises residents who want to avoid lines to vote between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

The deadline for registering to vote in advance for the primary was June 28. But registration also will open during the early-voting period July 7 to 14 (at any early-voting center) and on Primary Day, July 19 (at a voter's assigned polling place).

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