Donations sought for Neahwa Park Juneteenth celebration

Jun. 12—Organizers of Oneonta's second annual Juneteenth celebration are seeking donations to support the Saturday, June 19, event.

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Jubilee Day, celebrates the day the last remaining slaves in the Confederacy were freed: two years, five months and 18 days from the day President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

Donations to the local event will support a free barbecue lunch for attendees and pay for the time and talents of several local Black artists and performers, including Oneonta residents Ajare Malcolm, Anthony Eardley and DJ Wooden.

"I think it's an extremely relevant time for Juneteenth to take center stage," said organizer Diandra Sangetti-Daniels. "I don't think we would have seen Juneteenth move toward becoming a federal holiday without the Black Lives Matter movement fighting for equity and civil justice across America, and that's why it seemed fitting to continue the Juneteenth celebration here in Oneonta."

The celebration will be held from 3 to 8 p.m. at Neahwa Park.

"This year's event is focused on Black joy and what that looks and sounds like," Sangetti-Daniels said. "It's important for non-Black bodies to experience Black culture from Black people and not from Hollywood or mainstream media, especially since the narrative about Black people is often negative and hurtful."

Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig will deliver a speech, followed by performances from Black poets, singers and a comedian.

The event will also feature a basket raffle, face painting, music and a curated display of art, photographs and artifacts from local Black artists, including Kirchelle Alton, Madeleigh Place and Bertram Knight.

"I think we all benefit from an event like Juneteenth," Sangetti-Daniels said. "It's a great opportunity for the Black citizens of Oneonta and the surrounding towns to have a safe space in which they are able to express themselves creatively and openly explore their culture."

Visit for more information or to donate.