Your Daily TeenScope for July 02, 2022

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Somebody has verbal diarrhea today, and you're going to have to listen to the blabbermouth. At least you have a wild imagination to keep you company, and you already know how to give amazing advice.


Fabulous energy puffs you up and gives you an expansive feeling, as if you're parasailing through a Maui sunset looking down on untouched nature. Luckily, you have friends around to share the feeling with.


Like a child playing with a jack-in-the-box, surprise and fun thrill you all day. Joyfully explore your surroundings and let your laughter out, because good feelings and confidence keep you going.


Think of a cat staring up at an impossibly distant shelf. Trust and supple muscles allow them to leap. You have to trust in yourself the same way -- persevere, and you'll jump to where you need to go.


You've been transported to a higher plane to explore big ideas, and the altitude has you exhilarated and a bit dizzy. Maybe some contact with your loved ones will help you see through the fog and breathe deeply.

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Your good fortune today won't come from sticking to the school of fish you normally swim with. Break away from the pack and make tracks on your own, because you'll have much better ideas and opportunities if you go solo.


Such a love of life fills you today that you disdain pettiness and boredom and run straight for adventure and romance. You find fun and excitement everywhere you turn. You're totally ready to take it all in.


If razor-sharp tension has you walking cautiously and double-checking everything, throw that caution to the wind. Do acrobatics instead of balancing acts and toss yourself fervently into exploits.


When you're convinced of something, a silver tongue usually gets you what you want. Today, you need a different approach. Treat people as they wish to be treated. If you do, you'll get what you want!


A nasty turn of phrase may have you licking your wounds today. Do it right -- really pamper yourself! Eat dessert, watch TV or play with an animal. Ignore all the regular, boring tasks for just one day.


Like a peace pipe that unites people from different backgrounds, you'll connect people who have nothing in common today. So reach out and start joining people's hands together, but keep your diplomatic eye open for trouble.


Pull out your map and compass, because today is full of exploration and pioneering. You'll wander into unfamiliar territory and have to think fast to be sensitive to cultural issues. Luckily, your happy demeanor wins people over.

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