Your Daily Singles Horoscope for December 07, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


You've got a real way with connections. You've got all kinds of ways to draw people out, from finding common ground to making the most of differences.


Cultural events (and culturally minded people) are favored for you today. Find some kind of arts event, maybe an evening museum mixer or silent auction, and make the most of it.


Indulge yourself with your favorite pleasures. Share your sweet mood and charming attitude with a companion if you want, and let the world take care of itself.


Not making that decision is still a decision, right? If you're hesitating right now, it's perfectly okay to just wait it out and see what happens. If things are still happening later, you can reconsider.


Your sense of humor is even sharper than usual right now, and you're likely to come up with something that will knock people's socks off.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


If you've decided to meet your life partner tonight, you might want to downsize your expectations. Try instead just to meet three new people and see how you like them. Have fun!


With the great energy coming your way, you should be looking (and feeling) great all day. But it may dissipate by tonight. Get a nap or a bit of exercise to revive if you're heading out this evening!


Let someone else plan tonight's entertainment. They might have an amazing idea you'd have never thought of, and you're sure to sparkle in pretty much any setting you find yourself in.


Get going, because you've got a great way with all kinds of communication today. Later tonight, you're more lost in your own little world. Try not to miss anything!


You need to work hard and play hard today. Go ahead and get lots done early so you can have fun later! Friends are what you really want this evening, so work up a plan with the very best.


Sometimes you come across as distant. The key now is to think sweet thoughts and keep smiling. You might feel weird at first, but when you see the reactions, the grin becomes genuine.


Love doesn't just happen. The more active you are about being yourself and meeting others who fit with you, the better your chances of finding love. Take the initiative no matter where you are!

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