Your Daily MomScope for September 26, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Your reputation is precious today. There's someone in your mom group who likes to spread rumors about others and it riles you. Make sure you get to the real source before you make any accusations. You can easily rise above all this.


No matter how much you preach to your tyke, they won't accept it as gospel. You will get through, though, if you let them speak first before making your point. Tonight, you'll burn up the telephone lines with a little mom-to-mom chitchat.


Today is all about hidden agendas. Yours: To use soothing music to get the tyke to take a longer nap. Theirs: Conning you into a piggyback ride so they can make a grab for the cookie jar on the high shelf. Don't fall for it!


You have a magic touch today, with few words needed. So stay with the little one in case the visit to the doctor's office involves a big 'ouchie.' And your special skills will come in handy with feelings wounded on the playground, too.


Go out of your way to make a good impression today. There's someone at work who could potentially have a major impact on your life. Be on your very best professional behavior, especially when it comes to email etiquette.

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You believe that that hard work pays off, and your kids are finally catching on. They may surprise you by tidying up the playroom or putting away their clothes. Keep showing them how right choices always pay off down the line.


The tyke can't get the upper hand today. You instantly spot their next move, and foil all carefully laid plots. Such as the one to convince Grandma you said they could have a cookie -- once you're in the next room.


Time for a change, and not just baby's diaper. Trust your instincts about a job or career move. You'll know what's right for you, and when to go for it. Today is more about setting strategy than taking action.


The focus is on progress on practical terms with a creative twist. It'll be a tossup who enjoys a new craft project more, you or the kiddos. Get hands-on together to create useful items, such as a pot holder or pencil case.


You have the inner strength to resist overdoing it, even when faced with the perfect pair of shoes. Common sense wins out when you see the price tag! Meanwhile you're also a rock for your little one, who may be having a tough day.


You may be feeling a little tired today. To recharge the batteries, try to catch a few winks while the tyke goes down for an extra-long nap today. You'll need plenty of juice for the evening, when an impromptu celebration could erupt.


It's time to find a new leader. Otherwise, you may get stuck with most of the grunt work on that committee you joined. Flattery will work with most candidates, while others respond to the big dinner you have planned.

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