Your Daily MomScope for November 26, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Who needs an alarm clock? You may beat the kiddo out of the sack this morning. And that's just the beginning of what promises to be a high-energy day. Your kiddo will be thrilled when you spring a surprise outing. Lucky them!


There are still many good deals around at post-holiday sales, a fact that is not lost on your tyke. Resist the urge to rush out and make rash purchases for them. You'll find even better deals if you take time to shop around.


Sometimes being a parent seems like the hardest job in the world. Today one issue may have you stumped. But if you talk it up with others at your Mommy and Me group, you'll find the solution is easier than you think.


You may say something at a family gathering you wish the little one hadn't overheard. You can try to explain the importance of keeping secrets. But also have a Plan B, in case they let the cat out of the bag.


Your strong leadership skills will be needed today. Perhaps you find the kiddos are just floundering around the backyard. Someone needs to get them organized so they can build that snowman or fort. That someone is you!

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It's a day for minor mix-ups, such as packing the wrong binky, but there's nothing you can't handle. Passions tend to run high, the positive side of which should be explored in the evening hours with your other half.


It's all about those near and dear today. Surprise the tyke with a skating party, and they'll be over the moon. And this evening would be a good time for snuggling in front of the fire with the other half.


You can't put off that list any longer. If you feel the need to have a makeover or go on a new diet, today is a good day to do so. Take it easy and don't go overboard, and you'll do fine.


A romance theme winds through the day. The daylight hours are primetime for telling the tyke tales of princes and princesses. But after dark you want alone time with your own knight in shining armor, just you two.


You might have to put a home project on hold. The tyke has big plans of their own today, and you may be called upon to chauffeur the gang. You're only too glad to help out, and can take a few moments to be proud of their accomplishments.


You may seem like the most natural choice for leader at the day care or other group today. It's flattering to know these people think so highly of you, but consider carefully before you commit yourself to yet another project.


If only you could find a way to channel the kiddos' boundless energy. Turn them loose on the dirt with some shovels while you work on your garden. They might not fall for it, but it's worth a try.

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