Your Daily MomScope for July 01, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Today, you will find it easy to keep an open mind when you and your baby encounter someone a little bit different. And your child especially will benefit from seeing the world through other eyes -- perhaps those of an elf!


Today, you will likely get a chance to mix and mingle with people from another country or culture. Your baby will learn a lot from watching this exchange and trying to communicate. When all else fails, dimples are a universal language!


Today, you will find it really helps to walk the talk. You can preach all you want about nutrition and healthy living, but it won't sink in until your little one sees it in action. Lots of veggies and a little portion control should do it!


Today, you will find it easier than usual to give your baby a lesson in self-nurturing. It's good for them to learn that if you are not there they can always sing to themselves or do a puzzle or do something else. Let them learn this today.


Ready for a reindeer ride? You may not share your little tyke's preferred mode of transit, but you will find an opportunity today to share your passion for travel with them -- if only make-believe trips to castles in the air.

Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!


You are ready to make a daring move -- for conservative you. It could be trying a new restaurant, taking an hour off work or applying for a new job. A step you take outside of your usual routine will lead to positive results.


You have a tendency to shoot from the lip today. Mostly your off-the-cuff remarks will be on target. But something you say could get you involved in a new project at work or at the day care, so think before you commit yourself.


Desperate measures look tempting, given how small your holiday budget is. But today, taking any kind of financial risk would not be the wise thing to do. You'll be much better off if you stay on the tried and true path.


Ready, set, go! There are so many pretty lights and festive happenings at the park or mall. Make an early start and pack a lunch, so you and your tyke won't have to miss out on anything. It's going to be great.


Take me here, drive me there, buy me this, buy me that -- with so many demands on your time today, you may feel like you're getting nothing done. But if you persevere, you can keep your little one happy and get a lot done.


Your little one and their friends will be easier to manage if you organize them into groups. One team might work on building one snow fort, while the other team does the same. Then get ready for a snowball battle royale!


Oops! It might be hard to keep a secret today. With so much going on, you just might let slip what Grandma got your little one (or vice versa) and spoil the surprise. Think before you speak today -- on many fronts.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!