Your Daily MomScope for August 11, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Obstacles in life are there for a reason. Today the ones you face are there to teach you patience. The ones in your tyke's life -- that gate near the stairwell, for instance -- are there because you're looking out for them.


A busy day is on tap, one in which you can get a lot done yet still find time to indulge in small pleasures. The greatest of these will be taking on a finger-painting session with the tyke. Who knew they could produce so many fridge door-worthy masterpieces?


Gossip is a waste of time, so the busybodies at playgroup may get on your nerves today. It's all about what stories you choose to tune into. Switch channels to your little one's lively 'Tales from the Playground,' which never fail to amaze and delight.


It's a good day to plan a dinner party -- and there's no reason to let the guests in on your secret plan. Once they're wowed by your culinary genius, you intend to charm them into seeing things your way. And it'll likely work.


Working within the system proves more problematic than you thought. Even though you have little patience with filling out forms now, once you get started you find it's really not that big a deal. That will leave you time for more enjoyable paperwork, like an origami or paper-doll session with the tyke.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


It's another day when the same-old just won't cut it for you. A meal in an exotic restaurant might be just the thing. The tyke can experience something new, too -- or practice politely declining if they don't like the out-of-the-ordinary dish.


You're in a mood to unfurl the welcome mat, most likely for a gourmet feast with your mommy group. Enlist the tyke's aid with the kiddy table seating arrangement. They know who has the best table manners and will stay to help clean up later.


An intense day, in which you're a force to be reckoned with. Of course, the little one tries to push the limits, but you parry every move with elan. At the end of the day the match goes to you, so treat your small opponent to some ice cream.


You do sweat the small stuff today, working up one as you and the tyke race about to get everything done. It's tempting to eat on the fly to save time. But the calories in all those tasty snacks will add up at the end of the day.


The urge to shop 'til you drop is strong today -- but so is the impulse to buy on a whim. Of course, you always like to have the best-dressed tyke on the block. But if you apply a little discipline, you can scout out great bargains today.


There's a lot to discover around home base today. A major closet excavation unearths some long-lost puzzle pieces, plus a slightly squished bear. It would be best if they just disappeared before the tyke sees them and decides they can't live without them.


Another great day for romance! If you didn't manage to spend some one-on-one time with the other half yesterday, schedule some today. Mind you, it won't be easy convincing the tyke to go for a sleepover tonight. Use your intuition to find the right tack to take.

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