Your Daily HomeScope for May 22, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Your neighbor might have shared the price she's paying for her new renovations without wanting to disclose this information to the rest of the block. Think before you speak and be careful not to put your foot in your mouth today, especially when discussing prices and investments.


You'll flit around your house, carefully watering your houseplants and thinking about your day with a more than positive slant on everything. You stop to fold your laundry and tell a few of the stories of your day, remembering that sharing our lives gives us perspective on our own experiences.


Your friends will be somersaulting with delight to come to your home for a tea party on your porch this afternoon. While enjoying the time together, treat your guests to teas made from fresh mint and chamomile from your garden, peach upside-down cake and ginger ice cream.


Be careful not to overlook the point of the matter today. Don't hide your rainbow of marigolds behind the big, shadowy shrub in the front yard or detail the interior of your car before a trip to the beach. The obvious answer is right in front of your nose if you stop to take notice.


Revealing your dream to plant a magical dahlia garden next year, or grow olive trees and harvest olive oil in your old age is a fabulous idea. Encourage your simple and outrageous fantasies with a companion today. You may have found a partner who will help make your imagination a reality.

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Take a walk around your neighborhood today. Pay particular attention to the glowing green trees, lush and full, and the unique features of the yards. Notice the glorious red roses and the swirling pea vines; listen to the buzzing and humming insects.


Before you jump into a new project, read the instructions or recipe first: The pattern for that crocheted vest may seem simpler than it is, and maybe that cake has a few more steps than you bargained for.


Buying household and garden appliances online may seem handy and cost-effective, but read the fine print on the warranty and check for hidden costs. Be very thorough in your research before you make a major purchase.


You feel the need to be productive, but you also have an overwhelming urge to lounge on the couch and watch your favorite programs on television. Strike a balance by working on a crafty project that you can do simultaneously with your favorite drama. Prepare your project beforehand so you don't miss a second of the action.


Remember when your grandmother taught you how to cut a tomato? She illustrated the differences between chopping a carrot and carefully slicing a vegetable with a serrated knife. A housemate or young person in your midst would love to learn a simple household task, so pass on your knowledge.


You know exactly what you need at the craft store, but you allow yourself to wander through aisles that are normally alien to you. In the gardening department, take a trip to the cactus section and get lost for a bit. Keep yourself open to inspiring ideas today and be proactive in looking for them.


Don't let the bills and the to-do lists swamp your mind today. You might become easily overwhelmed, so stick to simple, productive tasks where you can let yourself dream a little bit. How about planting all of those spider plant shoots in little pots and passing them out among friends and neighbors?

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